I admit I am too busy and tired (and angry at political events) to write a cohesive post right now. In the interest of documentation, here are the major events that happened in grad school this week:
1. My counseling professor gave a lecture on nonverbal communication and closed/ leading questions. Apparently asking “why” is not a recommended question because it comes across as either judgmental or aggressive/accusatory… I may have to revisit this in its own post because I am still processing it. It goes against my intuition to not ask “why” as in “Why do you feel that way” or “Why does that bother you?” Writing about it may add some clarity.
2. We began a group project this week for our History and Philosophies of Art Therapy class. It was yet another experience where I was reminded how far behind I am compared to my peers. For example, writing up “protocols” for therapy sessions. What the F*** is a protocol? I know what the definition of protocol is. But in this context… someone please explain. (The professor did explain. She was shocked a few of us did not know what it was... but she did explain it and provided an example.)
3. I had my first exam this week. The pre-test chatter from classmates ended up stressing me out more than the actual exam did. I will not be repeating the “let’s come early and study together” plan. All it did was confirm that I am an introvert and that I retain information best when I can see it. Multiple people kept staring at and commenting about my oversized study sheet. I figured that would happen, but me retaining information for an exam is more important that people’s judgment. I should have stayed in the car and remained focused. Oh well. I think I did okay on it, regardless.
4. Printmaking class is in full swing. We are prepping for our first critique and have to complete a “class project” with enough editions (copies) of a print for everyone in the class. The “theme” of the project that the majority of the class agreed on is “songs”. To me, “songs” is not a theme so much as an enormously broad topic... but whatever. I have to think about what I want to do for that. The only thing I am certain of right now is if anyone in my class hands me a print or an etching entitled “Post Malone” I am burning it on the spot.
5. I got hired as a Graduate Assistant. I get paid minimum wage by Long Island University to help out the office of the Art Therapy Graduate Program. It’s only one day a week but it keeps me involved in my school and I get to help maintain and build a program I am a part of, since my job responsibilities are mostly admissions related.
“People are denying even the most basic scientific facts because it makes them feel better about hurting each other. Do you realize how horrifying that is? We’re talking about human beings making a conscious effort, going out of their way, to be ignorant. Willfully stupid. They’re proud of it. They take pride in idiocy. There’s not even an attempt to rationalize things anymore.”